Salem's confirmation students need your help with a service project to keep some local friends warm. In November and December the students will make scarves as an Advent Service project to be given as gifts to Avancer House residents.
Then in January, we'll be joined by residents of the Opportunity House to work, side by side, to make scarves. Our guests will get take their project home! Our students will get to share the care and warmth in their hearts!
Please help us to spread the warmth and God's love by donating fleece for these projects. One yard will make several scarves. Please consider donating 1-2 yards. Solid-colored fabric or fabric with small designs work best. Coordinating colors would be perfect for the scarves!
The first of these projects began on Wednesday, November 30. Fleece is needed by that date to start us off, but can be dropped off throughout the month of December. There is a box for collection in the Welcome Center. You can direct questions to Judy Waterfield (815-751-4062).