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Salem News

Presentation on the Phillipines

Howard Caracciolo of Salem and his parents traveled to the Philippine Islands this February to see the native land of his stepmother, Ruth.

Besides the beautiful scenery and smoking volcano, Mt. Mayon, Howard was particularly impressed with the Convent at the Tahanang Talangpay Compound and their mission to the poor.

Salem staff has asked   Howard to share a sampling of his photos of the Philippines on May 2  at the 9:15 a.m. Hospitality Hour in Fellowship Hall.

All are welcome.

Women's Prayer Retreat

Saturday - May 1
Salem’s Chapel Lounge
10:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.

If you would like to spend a quiet day in the company of other church women learning about different kinds of prayer, please be in touch with Judy Bergeson (815/895-9171).

The cost is $8 and includes lunch.

Children's Advocacy Center - Champions4Children Walk

Saturday May 15
Hopkins Park DeKalb

  8:45 a.m.   Registration for Walkers  Who Have Not Pre-registered
  9:15 a.m.   Registration for Pre-registered Walkers
  9:50 a.m. DeKalb Mayor Addresses Walkers and Kicks Off Event
10:00 a.m.   Walkers Begin 5 Mile or 1/4 Mile Walk
12:30 p.m. Lunch is served at Hopkins Park Shelter With Live entertainment from Stage Coach Players Barbershop Group and a Silent Auction to Benefit Family Service Agency’s Children’s Advocacy Center
  1:30 p.m.   Silent Auction Winners Announced

Registration Fee: $15 (includes Lunch and T-Shirt)

Children’s Advocacy Center of DeKalb County provides services to children who have been abused.  They coordinate a multidisciplinary team of investigators and prosecutors to provide  a one-time child friendly and supportive forensic interview for children involved in child abuse investigations.

They provide support and advocacy services for children and non-offending caregivers throughout the child abuse investigation and prosecution. They conduct trauma assessments, crisis intervention and counseling services.  They provide medical, legal, and social service advocacy and coordination.

Registration information is available in Salem’s Office, or you can register on-line at:

Bible Fundraiser - for Sunday School

Salem is bringing a new “spark” to its Sunday School program next year.

“Sparks” will be the curriculum and we are having a Spark Bible fundraiser.

We are asking for donations in $15 increments to purchase new Bibles for our classrooms.  The new Bibles will match     the new “Sparks” Sunday School curriculum.

There is a Spark Bible Fundraising Board displayed in the narthex.  Envelopes are available in front of the display.

Just put your donation in an envelope, put your name on the outside of the envelope, the grade level you would like to sponsor, and place the envelope in the offering plate during worship or drop it off in the church office.  The display has pictures of our Sunday School children by grade level and we are hoping to furnish 5 bibles for each grade level.

We also are looking to fund our Milestone Ministry Bible Trust Fund Account with 30 bibles.  This account provides our Beginners, 3rd Graders, and 6th Graders with new bibles as they enter a new stage in their faith journey.

Thank you for your great support in our church’s youth.

Storage Space Needed - can you help?

Salem’s Altar Guild is in need of a 8 x 6 storage space to store the church’s Easter Cross Flower Ladder.
If you have space for this or know of someone that does, please contact Donna Alford at 815/895-8081 or call the church office (815/891-9171).

Thank You!

Salem Softball Season begins May 23

This year Salem has two teams!

The two Salem teams are scheduled to play each other twice this season ... on Sunday, June 13 at 2:30 p.m. and Friday, July 9 at 6:30 p.m.  Both games will be played at the Sycamore Park (off Airport Road).

Salem members are, of course, invited to come and watch any of their teams’ games, but particularly the games when they will be playing each other.

Following the June 13th game, we will be returning to Salem for a cookout/potluck on the patio.

So we can know how much meat to grill, please sign up in the narthex if you can join us for the Blue vs. Orange “Clash of the Salemites” and cookout.


Monday May 3rd
Sycamore Park Field 11
Friday May 7th
Sycamore Park Field 10
Friday May 14th
Sycamore Park Field 9
Friday May 21st
Cortland Lions Park
Monday May 24th
Sycamore Park Field 12
Friday May 28th
Sycamore Park Field 9
Sunday June 6th
Sycamore Park Field 11
Friday June 11th
Sycamore Park Field 12
Sunday June 13th
Sycamore Park Field 9
Friday June 18th
Sycamore Park Field 10
Monday June 21st
Sycamore Park Field 11
Monday June 28th
Sycamore Park Field 10
Friday July 9th
Sycamore Park Field 12
Monday July 12th
Sycamore Park Field 11
Friday July 16th
Sycamore Park Field 10
Friday July 23rd
Sycamore Park Field 12


Monday May 3rd
Sycamore Park Field 12
Friday May 7th
Cortland Lions Park
Monday May 10th
Sycamore Park Field 11
Monday May 17th
Sycamore Park Field 10
Friday May 21st
Sycamore Park Field 9
Friday May 28th
Sycamore Park Field 11
Sunday June 6th
Sycamore Park Field 10
Monday June 7th
Sycamore Park Field 10
Friday June 11th
Sycamore Park Field 9
Sunday June 13th
Sycamore Park Field 9
Friday June 18th
Sycamore Park Field 9
Monday June 28th
Sycamore Park Field 11
Monday July 5th
Sycamore Park Field 10
Friday July 9th
Sycamore Park Field 12
Friday July 16th
Four Seasons
Friday July 23rd
Cortland Lions Park

Baobab Blast - VBS will be July 12-16

This year at vacation Bible school we are taking a trip to the Baobab tree the week for July 12th-16th.  At Baobab Blast, kids get a consistent message of God’s unconditional love.  Every activity helps kids understand how to build nurturing relationships with God, family, and others.

At Baobab Blast, building relationships is not just a theory; it’s a place where meaningful friendships happen.  Plus, when kids participate in the mission project, they learn how to help expand God’s community.  We at the beginning stages of planning and staffing for vacation bible school this year.  If you are interested in helping with vacation bible school please contact April Olson at 815-895-5149 or Kim Polke at 815-895-8064.

April Gems Luncheon rescheduled

Salem G.E.M.S. (Growing Every Member Spiritually)
  for those 60 years or “better.”

The April GEMS Luncheon and presentation has been rescheduled to May 17