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Salem News

Make Waves for Salem’s Spring 2010 Children’s Musical…

Under God’s Sea in 3D

Presented for Salem Worship Services on Saturday, April 17 at 5:00 pm and Sunday, April 18 at 10:30 am and for DeKalb County Rehab Center on Wednesday, April 21 at 6:30 pm.

Join in as 21 Salem Kids from age 4 through High School dive deeper into God’s World and Word.  Listen to Professor Gill teach Jonas, T.J., Casey, Taylor, and Waldo faith lessons from under the sea.  Celebrate God’s gifts of faith with the Alleluia Aquatic Academy.

Under God’s Sea in 3D is brought to you by Salem Creative Arts Ministry.

Summer Devotional Project

Spring is here and summer is just around the corner!

(Are your days lazy, hazy, or crazy?)  Help create Salem’s Summer Devotional to keep us connected to our Source and one another as routines take on a different pace.

Pastor Janet will introduce this project at the 9:15 a.m. Hospitality Hour Sunday, April 18th.  Scripture packets based on the daily   lectionary will be available to guide your reflection and sharing.  You choose any day (June 15th – August 15th) and work with those scriptures, seeing how the Holy Spirit guides your thoughts.

Participants will have up to four weeks (Deadline is May 16th) to write a brief reflection or devotion on any of the daily scriptures assigned to the day you choose.  When your reflection is finished it may be emailed to Darlene Orth at or dropped in the collection box in the Welcome Center at Salem.
Darlene will then compile the devotions and the summer devotional will be ready for distribution June 6th.
Thank you for your participation and interest!

Easter Sunrise worship opportunity:

Pastor Janet will lead a short Easter Proclamation at the portico/gazebo in Elmwood Cemetery at 6:30 a.m. on Easter Morning, Sunday, April 4th.  You are invited to bring lawn chairs.
        Sue Herrmann will lead the singing with flute.  Everyone is then invited to come to Phil and Jenny Ruff's home at 625 DeKalb Avenue for coffee from 7:00-7:30 am.

Holy Week Schedule

March 27 -  Palm Sunday Worship  (5:00 p.m.)
            28 -  Palm Sunday Worship  (8:00 & 10:30 a.m.)
                        (50+ Year Members Honored at 9:15 a.m. Coffee)
April 1 - Maundy Thursday  (7:00 p.m.  - “Time of Trial”)
April 2 - Good Friday            (7:00 p.m. - Tenebrae Service)    
April 3 - Easter Vigil             (5:00 p.m. - Service of Light)              
April 4 - Easter Proclamation (6:30 a.m. - Elmwood Cemetery, Sycamore                  
                        and 7:00-7:30 Coffee at Jenny & Phil Ruff’s, 625 DeKalb Avenue)
April 4 - Easter Sunday Festival Worship    (8:00 & 10:30 a.m.)
April 4 - Easter Breakfast    (9:00-10:30 a.m. Fellowship Hall)  

Lenten Schedule

Wednesdays    “ The Lord’s Prayer”
February 24 ...     “Hallowed Be Thy Name”  
March 3   ...        “Thy Kingdom Come”
March 10     ...          “Thy Will Be Done”
March 17     ...               “Daily Bread”
March 24 ...        “Forgive Us Our Sins”
Lenten Prayer and Pie in Chapel Lounge (2:00 p.m.) … a simple   service with spoken liturgy, prayer, and hymns followed by pie   and coffee.
Soup Suppers in Fellowship Hall (5:30 p.m.) … soup and beverages     provided, bring bread, crackers, or dessert to share.
Holden Evening Prayer Service (7:00 p.m.)  ... with choir, cantors, flutes, and piano leading us in worship.  This beautiful liturgical setting was written in the 1980s for the community at Holden   Village, Washington (a year round ecumenical Christian retreat center, rooted in the Lutheran tradition) and has grown to be an instrument    of prayer and worship all over the world.

Salem's 140th Anniversary Celebration

140 Years of Living Christ' Love

Palm Sunday - March 28th
50+ Year Members
Honored at a 
9:15 a.m. Coffee 
and at 10:30 Worship

Salem History Photo Collage 
in Fellowship Hall

Easter Sunday - April 4th 
6:30 a.m. Easter Proclamation
(at Elmwood Cemetery followed by coffee 
at Jenny & Phil Ruff’s home - 
625 DeKalb Avenue)

8:00 & 10:30 a.m.
Festive Worship with
Mission Affirmation

9:00—10:30 a.m. 
Easter Breakfast

Communion for the Homebound

Volunteers Needed ... Nine times a year some of us have the privilege of taking communion from our altar to our homebound.  There are about 15 people who welcome us into their home or their room at an assisted living place or a nursing home.  The printed order of service is placed by Altar Guild with the communion kit, so when Pastor calls up the deliverers to the altar to bless them and the kits too, everything is ready to go.  If you would like  to join us in this ministry, please phone Judy Bergeson (815-895-9171) for more information.  It's probably one of the most rewarding 30 minutes you'll ever have.

Salem Lenten Practices:

The liturgical season of Lent encourages repentance and prayer, worship and meditation, and care for the needs of others.  During Lent we commune at the altar rail each weekend, kneeling as able to humble ourselves before this great gift.  Pastor Janet will distribute wafers and the Assisting Minister will offer a choice of either wine or white grape juice.  There will also be water in the baptismal font, inviting worshippers to dip their fingers and make the sign of the cross on their foreheads in remembrance of their baptism.  Most melodies for the liturgy will be familiar, but we will introduce new tunes for the Kyrie and Gospel Acclamation from Setting 10.

100th Birthday Card Shower

Cards or notes are welcomed for Salem's oldest member, Eleanor Ekstrom, who turns 100 years old Saturday, March 13th.  Eleanor moved to Tennessee a few years ago to live near her son Carl.  She would love to hear from Salem friends or people she hasn't even met.  Eleanor's eyesight is failing but her son will read her your messages of support.  Thank you for taking the time to send Christ's love to one of our own who has reached this wonderful milestone!  Contact the church office for her address.

Salem Bus Trip

See the World Premiere of The Hiding Place: Jan Kuntz of Salem has organized an opportunity on
Sunday, April 25th to see Corrie ten Boom’s “The Hiding Place” presented by Provision Theater in Chicago.

This play is the true story of Holocaust survivor Corrie Ten Boom whose family joins the underground resistance to help save Jewish families.  When arrested and imprisoned in concentration camps, they are left with nothing to cling to but their faith.

Jan has reserved 40 tickets; the bus holds 56 if more reservations are received.  Those who attend will leave Salem at 11:00 a.m., have lunch on the way to the theater, attend the play at 3:00 p.m., and return to Salem about 7:00 p.m.  Cost for the bus and play admission is $42.50 per person, not including the price of lunch.  All are welcome.

Reservation forms are available at the Welcome Center and may be turned in to the church office with payment.  Please make checks to Salem Lutheran and mark them “Hiding Place” play.  Deadline for payment has been extended to Monday, March 22nd.  A reservation acknowledgement will be sent upon receiving payment.

Let’s fill the bus and experience this moving and poignant message of love and faith!

The Provision Theater, located at 1001 W. Roosevelt Road, Chicago, is devoted to producing works of hope, reconciliation, and redemption; works that challenge us to explore a life of meaning and purpose.


Special Offering Envelopes

The gifts Salem receives in those special envelopes in our offering boxes (like Lent, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, Easter, Ascension, etc.) are an important part of our budgeted income over and above weekly pledges.  While we understand that it is not possible for everyone to return these envelopes with
additional gifts, we are thankful for the many folks who can and have helped us in our effort to support Salem’s ministry needs with their special “Festival” offerings.  --Salem Executive Committee

Salem Softball Fans ...

It has been requested that team T-shirts be made available for fans to purchase and show support for the team. There is a blue sign-up sheet located in the Welcome Center.  Just add your name and shirt size to the list no later than Sunday April 4th. The cost is $20.  Please make checks payable to Salem Lutheran Church, write "softball T-shirt" in the memo line, and place in the offering plate using the envelopes provided next to sign-up sheet.

Community Servant Speaker

You are invited to hear our March Community Servant Speaker, Cindy Graves, Board Member of DeKalb County’s Children’s Advocacy Center during Hospitality Hour (9:15 a.m.) on Sunday, March 21st.  This Board, headed by the State’s      Attorney, advocates and coordinates the interviewing and counseling of children who have been sexually abused.  
Come to hear and learn how we can help.

Delivery Person Needed

We need another person to deliver CDs of Pastor Janet's sermons to one of our shut-ins.  This person lives near the Grand Victorian out on Somonauk Street. Just slip the CD (in an envelope all ready for you in the main mailbox outside Pastor Janet's office). If you're interested please call Judy Bergeson (815/895-9171).

Hope Haven Needs

Adult Puzzles
Donations for Teen Activities like :  Movie Passes or Bowling.
Do you have any adult puzzles you don't want anymore?  Any movie passes you won't be using or don't mind picking up?  Any bowlers who could purchase an extra game or two?  We have folks who will deliver them to Hope Haven.  All we need are the items.

Spring Cleaning at Salem

Saturday — March 20
8:00 a.m. to Noon
Come and help ready the church and grounds  for Holy Week and to Welcome Spring.

Holy Week Planning

You're invited to be a part of Holy Week worship for the services listed below.  Please sign up in the
Welcome Center and further instructions/materials will be provided.  Questions can be directed to Carla Vanatta at 815-895-9171.
March 28th — Palm Sunday Passion Narrative at 8:00 a.m. Worship calls for about 15 readers, mostly men, ranging from one or two lines to short paragraphs read from a stand microphone in the front of the church.
April 2nd — Good Friday Tenebrae worship at 7:00 p.m. calls for several readers to share the story of Christ's passion and death.
April 3rd — Easter Vigil worship at 5:00 p.m. calls for 4 readers of Genesis, Exodus, Ezekiel, and Isaiah passages.
April 4th — Easter Sunday Processionalists for 8:00 or 10:30 Worship include a Crucifer (carries the cross), a Bookbearer (carries the Bible), two Torchbearers (carries the candles) and two Bannerbearers (helps to be tall).
Thank you for participating in Salem Holy Week worship.
Salem Worship Committee

2010 Easter Garden Orders

Altar Guild is taking orders for potted seasonal flowers to place around the altar and on the Easter Cross for Easter Sunday.  Orders will be taken in the narthex before and after church services on March 13/14 and March 20/21.

To order a plant, please fill out an order form at church and give it to the Altar Guild member in the narthex on those dates, along with your payment.  Make checks payable to Glidden Florist.  You can also drop off or mail your order and payment  to the church office anytime before Monday, March 22.

If you would like to pick up the plant you ordered after the Easter services,  be sure to fill out a card with your name and telephone — or you can donate your plant to a Salem shut-in.

RECYCLE your Aluminum Cans!

They can be dropped off in garbage bags or put into the big garbage cans near the coat racks downstairs outside of Fellowship Hall.  Any monies raised will be split between Salem’s Social Justice Committee and Youth Group.  Many Thanks!

Love INC Needs

Beds in Good Condition 
Mattresses in Good Condition (17 - Various Sizes)
Computers (3) (for in home education, not older than 5 years)
Monetary donations to purchase a ramp for an elderly man with medical difficulties ($150 more needed)
Electric Heaters
Gas Vouchers
Kitchen Tables & Chairs
Living Room Tables

Office Supplies
(Call for Specific Needs 815/217-0082)

If you are able to assist in meeting some of these needs, please call 815/217-0082 Monday - Friday (9:00 a.m. to Noon) or by e-mail Drop-Off Times Monday - Friday 9:00 a.m. - 11:45 a.m.
151 W. Lincoln Hwy., DeKalb

Adult Dartball!

Adults ... Come give DARTBALL a shot!! What is that??  It's a game of darts, and the "target" is a board shaped like a baseball diamond.  Players advance or strike out according to where their darts land on the board.  NO talent or experience is needed for this!  Really!! The intent of this is to offer some fun and fellowship while hopefully learning a new game.   Saturday — March 20 Fellowship Hall     6:30 p.m.  -  ??
A snack to share is welcome, but not mandatory.

Anniversary Photo Collage

As part of Salem’s 140th Anniversary celebration this year, you are invited to bring in photos of any size to the office  during the month of March to create a  history collage in Fellowship Hall. You might have photos of Salem events, Sunday school, choirs, youth, baptisms, anniversaries, weddings, first communions…  the possibilities are endless!  We will then develop a timeline of Salem history so your photos can be placed in the appropriate era.  Please put your name on your photos so they can be returned to you after our celebration.

NIS 2010 Congregational Resourcing Event

“Becoming a Missional Church” with Keynote Speaker, Dr. Craig Nessan
Academic Dean & Professor of Contextual Theology, Wartburg Seminary
Saturday, March 20
8:30 a.m. - 3:15 p.m.
Kishwaukee College, Malta
find out more at

Military Servant Support

If you have a family member in active military service and would like them included in our weekly prayers, please share their names and contact information with the church office by phone (815/895-9171) or by e-mail:

Volunteers Needed to Mow

Salem is looking for people who would be willing to help mow the church grounds.  With volunteers we can reduce the budget for this year by $2,500.  If you would be able to mow with your equipment for a week or a month, please call Jeff Paulsen 815/895-8416 or Roger Primm 815/756-1826.

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